Impressionless Scanning
Say goodbye to gooey impression material and trays that cause gagging. Say hello to modern day digital dentistry. We are proud to offer you iTero impressionless scanning technology in our office. Impressionless scanning is an innovative technology used to take oral impressions for braces, Invisalign®, appliances and retainers. Impressionless scanning uses confocal imaging to digitally capture the shape of the teeth and gums, providing a multitude of patient benefits and orthodontic improvements.
The traditional impression technique requires a patient to be uncomfortably seated for up to 15 minutes of having a gooey, messy substance in their mouth. Imagine one-third of the time it takes to take an impression with impressionless scanning technology. Impressionless scanning is much more detailed and more accurate than the conventional method allowing for more improved clinical results. Patient movement does not distort impressionless scans, unlike with impressions. This technology also eliminates the high-level of invasiveness and discomfort caused by impressions.
With impressionless scanning, patients can say goodbye to goopy, uncomfortable impressions, maximizing patient comfort for optimal results. Additionally, real-time digital display of scans allows for immediate adjustment, assuring accurate scans the first time. The image quality of impressionless scans is superior to conventional impressions.
Scans are sent at a light speed, which allows patients to receive their aligners, retainers or appliances quicker. Impressionless scanning also uses single-use image shields, a sanitary solution to goopy impressions, creating maximum cleanliness.
The Process:
- Scanning
The assistant scans the patient’s dentition and palatal area using our iTero impressionless scanner. Our Exclusive Invisalign® Integration enables us to scan patients for Invisalign® aligners. - Instant Visualization
Real-time digital display of scans allows Dr. Brown to visualize your 3D models immediately, make any necessary adjustments and provide you with instant feedback. - Review/Treatment Plan
Dr. Brown reviews the impressionless scans and creates a treatment plan that best fits your needs. - Invisalign Patients
Dr. Brown submits the scanning data at the click of a button and your custom appliances or Invisalign® aligners are created, drastically cutting the amount of time it takes to construct Invisalign® aligners and providing you with a more comfortable fit.
Come experience this new state of the art technology! Call today to schedule your FREE exam!