Houston Braces & Houston Invisalign | Dr. Heather Brown Orthodontics Houston, TX | Orthodontist Houston, TX

(713) 665-4455

Dr. Heather Brown Orthodontics

2636 South Loop West Suite 100 • Houston, TX 77054


Braces are an important investment and we want to make your decision to receive orthodontic care affordable. Our office offers a complimentary consultation that includes an examination and a discussion of recommended treatment. One of our primary goals is to help the average family afford braces without straining their finances.

Check with our office staff if you have any questions or would like to obtain more specific information about how Dr. Brown strives to provide affordable orthodontic care for patients and their families.

Online Payments:

Please click on the View Your Account link to the left to sign up for our online payment options.

Automatic Bank Draft:

We can set up your monthly payment to be automatically drafted on an agreed upon date each month from your checking or savings account. Please provide us with a voided check.

Automatic Credit Card Debit:

Monthly payments will automatically be charged to your credit card. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. Please provide us with your credit card information.


We accept and file most insurance plans for our patients. Please provide us with your insurance information at your first appointment.

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